This book centres on personalities who interacted with the author in his personal life and immediate family, his eventful political career and beyond. Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando provides a fresh insight on the political scenario of the 1970s and 1980s and the violent episodes that characterised those years, a narrative that entices the reader to learn more about hidden hands. The way internal matters within the Nationalist Party evolved and how they were orchestrated and by whom, as experienced by the author. The narration on Richard Cachia Caruanas attempted murder is extremely interesting. A compilation of narrations which should elicit the interest of investigative journalists. A well-written book you would not want to miss.
Frans Ghirxi, Former editor, L-Orizzont
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando lays himself bare in the process, he also exposes certain traits of quite a few people, even those near and dear to him. Traits, of course, as he sees them and he uses colourful adjectives, very much in line with his own character. he describes himself in various ways: fearless, foolhardy, a maverick, hot-headed, a troublemaker, goal-driven, even dishy, to mention a few. Many people from different walks of life end up in his cross hairs, those involved in politics getting pride of place. The author speaks his mind and does not mince words about issues dating back a few years but also very recent. I found this book to be a different read to others written by politicians. It is, how shall I put it? Far more light-hearted, perhaps? Some of its readers may end up wondering what is a fact and what is fiction. How demons become angels and angels become demons. They may be justified. But what can you expect from a self-declared maverick? So you can decide to take it with a pinch of salt but it is still worth reading.
Ray Bugeja, Former editor, The Times
I knew Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando was a gifted writer from the articles he used to send me regularly for publication in the Maltese daily In-Nazzjon. Still, there were things I didnt expect. The first chapter of the autobiography sets the tune. His upbringing was essential in moulding a character as strong as much as it is rebellious. Strength of character is evident in both the personal and the political. Notably, Pullicino Orlando penned his autobiography while he is still relatively young and most of the protagonists mentioned are still alive. The treatment they get may sometimes be considered as undiplomatic or blunt, and they can easily rebut anything said in their respect, The writing style makes this book very hard to put down. The protagonists humanity is felt throughout. You are left with an image of a man who is at once a rebel not lacking in courage but also fragile and sensitive. As to the political events mentioned in the book, judgement is left to the reader as well as future historians, who can write with detachment and free from prejudices.
Joe Cassar, Editor, In-Nazzjon
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